4 Inbound Pillars Of Success

Marketing campaigns alone do not equate to a winning integrated marketing strategy. Take a closer look at the four inbound phases every Marketing Director needs to understand to ensure success


Identify Buyer Personas

Determine exactly who you aim to target - all your inbound marketing
efforts must link back to your personas


Mapping Buyer’s Journey

Each interaction your personas have with your brand should be tailored to their position in the buyer’s journey


Create Extraordinary Content

Produce great content that meets your personas needs and where they are in the buyer’s journey


Content Distribution

Ensure that your content is available for your personas to find, in the right places and at the right time


Your ultimate goal is to attract the attention of your desired audience, convert that interest into leads & convert leads into sales.

Inbound marketing focuses your content strategy by creating buyer personas.

Get this stage right and you could quite possibly become the Managing Director's superhero


Buyers Journey

A model that represents a buyer’s journey along a research and selection process that results in a purchase.

 Is your content relevant? 74% of consumers get frustrated when content appears that has nothing to do with their interests. Personalise for better results! 40% of consumers buy more from brands that personalise the shopping experience



Content Creation

 The common war cry for internet marketing managers is “content is king”. If content is king, then “context is God” as it’s about who the content is for.

 Relevant Content = Growth! Businesses looking for exponential growth through the value of long-term content assets must be focused entirely on creating extraordinary content that appeals to both visitors and search engines.


Content Distribution

 Despite the time & effort you invest in great content, you will not realise ROI if you don’t distribute it to you interested audience who will appreciate it.

 At the heart of every successful inbound marketing strategy is an effective content distribution strategy.  Business Blog, Website Pages , Social Media, Email, Landing Pages and Call To Actions.

Successful inbound marketing strategies must consider personas & buyer’s journey. Ensure the right people get the right content at the right time.

Mark Hullin

Real Inbound
