Unlock Your Organisation's Full Revenue Potential with End-to-End Accountability

Welcome to the journey of unlocking your business's full revenue potential with the power of Revenue Operations (RevOps). At Real Inbound, we understand the intricate balance between Marketing, Sales, and Customer Success functions and how they converge to drive remarkable revenue growth. Our comprehensive guide, "The Definitive Guide to Revenue Operations (RevOps)," will empower you with insights and strategies to orchestrate your revenue-generating machine and create seamless customer experiences every step of the way.

Here's a glimpse of what you'll learn:What is RevOps? Simplify for Success!

  1. RevOps, short for Revenue Operations, transcends traditional business models by connecting the dots between technology, processes, and strategy. In the past, departments like Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success operated independently, often leading to friction and missed opportunities. RevOps revolutionizes this approach by fostering collaboration, visibility, and operational efficiency. Think of it as the conductor of an orchestra, harmonizing your teams to achieve results that are greater than the sum of their parts.

    1. The Growth of RevOps! Fuelling Business Success

    The rise of RevOps is undeniable. Since 2019, there's been a staggering 300% increase in RevOps-related roles on LinkedIn. Businesses are recognizing the power of RevOps, with a significant 57% increase in implementing RevOps strategies or building dedicated teams.

    1. The Genesis of RevOps - How Did It All Begin?

    In the evolving landscape of business, especially in the realm of Software as a Service (SaaS), the dynamics between customers and businesses have transformed. The traditional sales funnel is gone, replaced by a non-linear customer journey. Customers now expect personalization, frictionless experiences, and value beyond the sale.

    1. Breaking Down Silos – Building an Effective Go-to-Market Team

    Historically, silos separated Marketing, Sales, and Customer Success departments, resulting in disjointed processes and data. RevOps changes this. It unifies your go-to-market teams, aligns data, and streamlines processes. Imagine a symphony where every instrument plays in harmony. That's what RevOps does for your business.

  1. The 5 Key Benefits of RevOps - Unlocking Success for Your Business

RevOps brings transformative benefits to your business:

  • Making Better Decisions, Faster: Streamline processes and gain insights for quicker, informed decisions.
  • Harnessing the Power of Data: Break down silos, unify data, and make data-backed decisions.
  • Building Trust and Predictable Pipeline: Align teams for customer satisfaction and a steady pipeline.
  • Driving Faster Deal Closures: Streamline processes for efficient deal closures and revenue growth.
  • Creating a Consistent Approach to Scaling: Standardize processes for consistent growth.

  1. The 6 Pillars of RevOps - Building a Foundation for Success

RevOps rests on six pillars that drive growth and excellence:

  • Data: Ensure reliable data for informed decisions.
  • Customer Processes: Optimize the customer journey for satisfaction and loyalty.
  • KPIs and Reporting: Define metrics that align with revenue goals.
  • Tech Stack: Choose and integrate tools that support RevOps.
  • Training: Invest in team development and training.
  • Strategic Insight and Planning: Set goals and seize opportunities.


  1. Unlocking Success - Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for RevOps
  • Measuring the right KPIs is essential for RevOps success:
  • Customer Churn: Gauge customer health and satisfaction.
  • Revenue per Employee: Measure efficiency and resource allocation.
  • Account Relationship Score: Track customer relationships.


  1. Building a Revenue Machine with HubSpot: Key Steps for Success

    • Discover how to build a revenue machine using HubSpot:
    • Align Teams and Map the Customer Journey: Align Marketing, Sales, and Customer Service for seamless customer experiences.
    • Define the Customer Journey and ICP: Understand your customers' journey